Saturday 13 September 2014

In which this blog takes a turn for the unemployed.

SO. I always think it's good to start with a SO. It gives this ramble an edge of purpose. SO. This blog began as a way for me to think on the page, as it were. To hash out my ideas and then look back at them after six months with a slight cringe at what the gin-soaked-part-time-hipster-student mind can create. Basically, a handful of okay not-quite articles. It all kind of petered off when university exams came about, then I buggered off to South America for two months (more on that at some point) and now I am unemployed. Tip top! SO. I'm going to endeavour to start rambling at nothing and no one again, in a bid to break up the daily routine of pestering my cat, signing on and looking for jobs. 

Here we go...

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