Tuesday 27 August 2013

All Quiet on the Blogging Front

Just a quick message to account for the recent hiatus on this blog!*

Many manner of busy things happened, including an internship at The Times, an adventure at a festival, plays up at the Edinburgh Fringe and the beginning of a rather odd hobby writing obituaries, meaning I haven't had much time to write here. Equally I have been writing for other publications, bits and pieces for The Times obits (seriously it's really interesting) and a discussion of something I saw at the Fringe for The Skinny. 

BUT! All of these things have inspired lots of ideas and potential things to write about, so I'll be ranting and rambling again in no time.


P.S. I do Twitter a bit - @suttonspeak

*Not sure I need to inform passers-by of this, but if you come across my blog then tough beans, you've read it now.

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